Here at DeMeritt Hill Farm, our mission is to produce top quality fruit, vegetables and other agricultural products while focusing on providing a hands on pick-your-own experience to your family.

At DeMeritt Hill Farm, our low spray Integrated Pest Management approach provides safe, quality fruit in a comfortable picking environment. From varieties to tree size, pruning style to pest control, general layout to hours open — all our decisions are based on providing the best possible experience to all who come out to share in the fun of picking, being in the country, communing with nature, or relaxing with family and friends. Come enjoy an outing with the family, harvest fruit for winter or just experience an old-fashioned food gathering event.
The DeMeritt Hill Farm family continually strives to create an environmentally conscious sustainable farm in an enjoyable relaxed outdoor setting where family and friends can have fun.
We make changes to the farm based on your feedback so we look forward to seeing and hearing from you.
We hope you take some time to explore our website and see what we have to offer. More importantly, we hope we get the chance to meet you and become your destination of choice to enjoy a day at the farm with your family.